Posts Tagged ‘Rebellion’

These two poems were part of a portfolio I submitted for my University coursework. They were also two of my first attempts at poetry :). These are both villanelles, and I had fun experimenting with this style (though finding so many words that rhymed was tricky at times!).

When writing them I drew influence from classic fairy tales, thinking how the protagonists are often told to stay on the right path and/or keep out of the woods. This idea is used for ‘The Warning’, while ‘The Rebellion’ is the response to this.

Hope you like!!! Feedback much appreciated. Will probably be uploading prose next 🙂

The Warning

Don’t enter the woods in the dead of night

You don’t understand what hides in there

Stay where I can see you, within the light.

Creatures that will cause pain, creatures that bite

Monsters that will shred, rip, maim, grip, tear

Don’t enter the woods in the dead of night.

Go and you will suffer a dreadful plight

Which would be too much for me to bear

Stay where I can see you, within the light.

Please do not dispute this, please do not fight

Do not disobey me, please don’t you dare

Don’t enter the woods in the dead of night.

You do know that, as always, I am right

Don’t try to tell me that it isn’t fair

Stay where I can see you, within the light.

The creatures will attack with all their might

I only forbid you because I care

Don’t enter the woods in the dead of night

Stay where I can see you, within the light.

The Rebellion

Unlike you, I’m not afraid of the dark

Not afraid to enter the woods, and there stay

My existence within the light is stark.

Not all creatures are akin to a shark

I wish to meet an elf, an imp, a fey

Unlike you, I’m not afraid of the dark.

I am bored of life on the path, please hark

I need more than this, I must go away

My existence within the light is stark.

The woods to me are an enchanted park

Somewhere new, exciting, where I can play

Unlike you, I’m not afraid of the dark.

If wolves or witches find me during my lark

Let them, or anything else come what may

My existence within the light is stark.

This adventure will give my life a spark

So yes, from you, from safety, I’ll stray

Unlike you, I’m not afraid of the dark.

My existence within the light is stark.